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Adding Anti-Foaming Agents to Detergent


Anti-foaming agent, or defoamers, prevent a solution from generating foam. Foam can prevent you from being able to see the detergent and what it is cleaning. Excess foam can also get in the way when cleaning. Add anti-foaming agents to your detergents to prevent your washing machine or dishwasher from overflowing. Purchase anti-foaming agent from a home improvement or janitorial supply store. Because concentrations vary from agent to agent, always consult the manufacturer's instructions when determining how much to add.
Laundry Detergent
Pour enough laundry detergent into a bowl for one load of laundry.
Add laundry detergent defoamer to the detergent according to the manufacturer's instructions on the defoamer bottle.
Mix the solution to combine.
Pour the solution into the washing machine and wash your clothes as normal.
Dishwashing Detergent
Pour dishwashing detergent into your dishwasher's detergent tray.
Measure out the dishwasher defoamer according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Close the detergent tray lid and run the dishwasher as normal.